TaskFunnels provides your agency a one-stop shop to push your client tasks through.

The software was originally created as internal software for our sister company, Trouble Free Employees to use to run the VAs in their Philippines offices. As the company expanded more specialists were added to the team and as the years went on, more and more features were added until eventually the TaskFunnels white label system was developed. Shortly after that came the initial limited release with one of our agency partners in Florida, and another based out of Maui, Hawaii.

Once we worked out the initial kinks and polished out the rough spots on our limited release we launched the TaskFunnels platform in a more substantial way with more agency partnersโ€ฆ and the rest is history!

What Does TaskFunnels Do?

Many agencies get distracted from their revenue goals because they hit speedbumps in the fulfillment process. TaskFunnels was created to allow agencies to utilize access to an existing team as a one-stop shop for their fulfillment needs. Weโ€™ve built out the software and assembled a world-class team that is here to help you with your agency tasks on an on-demand basis.

โ€œOn-Demandโ€ means that you just need to pay for the actual time that was spent on your tasks. You get access to the whole team, but you only need to pay for what you use. This makes things simple for billing and sets your business up to be able to scale.

So what are the details of this? Good question! Well, we set things up to be simple. When you sign up we will create a TaskFunnels TaskPortal for you that you can log in to and drop in any tasks you would like done. You can also check on the status of tasks that youโ€™ve already dropped into the system to see where things are at. To add a human element we also assign each account a Project Manager and an Account Manager who will be available on Slack to answer your questions or even drop any tasks into your portal for you if you donโ€™t feel like logging in to do it yourself (or if you just prefer to deal with people).

For any of the tasks that are dropped into your portal, the project manager and account managers will deal with assigning them to the correct team member after they verify that all the required information is noted on the task. This allows you to have minimal points of contact while having access to the maximum amount of skills.

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TaskPortals Can Be White Labeled

Our white-label system gives you access to everything you need in order to build out your agencyโ€™s fulfillment team. All you need to do is focus on marketing, brandingโ€ฆ and making sales. We are here to handle your fulfillment for you and be the โ€œteamโ€ you can rely on to get your tasks done.

In addition, we will customize your task portal so that your brand will be able to take all of the credit for the work thatโ€™s done for your client. However, thatโ€™s not all! We will also provide you with a signup form for your website and a customized login page for your clients to use that also is set up using your agency's branding.

  • TaskFunnels
    TaskFunnels Screenshot
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    Remote Millionaires Screenshot
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    Catalyst Brand Group Screenshot
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    Nomadic Closer Screenshot

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The TaskFunnels team is made up of Virtual Assistants, Specialists, Web Developers and Software Engineers. We are here to help you however we can. If you have additional questions please schedule an appointment with our sales team and they will be happy to answer all of your questions.

  • To work with us there is a one time setup fee, a small monthly subscription and an hourly fee for the work that is done on your tasks. Schedule a meeting with one of our sales reps for more information or to ask questions.

  • Yes we do! We have things setup so that you can easily rebill your clients for the services that we do for them. We also have a team of VAs who are trained for rebilling if you would prefer to have them do the legwork of the billing for you. In addition to setting your margins on the hourly rates you can also control the price of the monthly subscription so you have some additional residual earnings if you want to.

Get More Information

If you would like to get more information about TaskFunnels please set up an appointment with our sales team at the time that's most convenient for you. We look forward to answering all of your questions.

You can also reach us via email
[email protected]