Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines


  • Available for Full-Time or Project-Based work
  • Philippine Standard Time
  • $20 per hour for part-time project-based work. In exchange for a consistent full-time schedule of 40 hours a week, Niño is willing to accept offers as low as $20.00 per hour (Approximately $3200.00/month)

I have 3 years of experience in using the LabView development platform and 1-year of experience in using flutter. Also, I have experience in  Arduino language, Programmable Logic Controllers, and Integrating IoT devices. What motivates me to do well in my job is to be able to support the needs of my family, and also to be able to learn new knowledge and mold myself to be a better version than I was yesterday.

  • University: Cebu Technological University
  • Year Attended: 2015-2019
  • Degree: BS IT
  • Location: Cebu City
Work Experience
  • Design Tech
    ADACSYS - May 2019 - December 2021

    Maximizing the efficiency of the CRM and the data inside it.

    Generate and interpret the data from the software.

  • Junior Developer
    Trouble Free Employees - June 2022 - Present

    Assisting the development manager with all aspects of software design and coding.

    Attending and contributing to company development meetings.

    Learning the codebase and improving your coding skills.

    Writing and maintaining code.

    Working on minor bug fixes.

    Monitoring the technical performance of internal systems.

    Responding to requests from the development team.

    Gathering information from consumers about program functionality.

    Writing reports.

    Conducting development tests.

    In Charge of the frontend part of making the website

    Implement the mock-up created by the designer

    Handle the simple JavaScript, ajax, and functions related to the data displayed on the website.

    Integrate the website form to a 3rd party application.

  • GHL specialist
    Trouble Free Employees - June 2022 - Present

    Create and maintain account campaigns, triggers, and workflows

    Review accounts for client launches.

    Integrate applications, systems, API, etc.

    Maintain and update snapshots.

    Create efficient and effective workflows.

    Fix automation, sites, workflows, etc. when needed.

    Manage and solve tech support tickets sent by the team.

    Create a landing page for the client's website.

    Create funnels

    Create forms

    Create surveys

    Create email templates

    Create Triggers and workflows

    Integrate the account to Twilio, mailgun, Stripe, etc.

    Set up the client's account.

    Create calendars

Niño 's Reviews
    Assigned Projects
    Work Schedules